On 23-09-2009, at 08h 21'35", Kyle Wheeler wrote about "Re: How to remove empty 
> On Wednesday, September 23 at 08:16 PM, quoth Wu, Yue:
> >Hi, list, question is how to use some commands(i.g. shell commands) to remove
> >the empty maildirs, i.e. no any file in maildirs' new/ cur/ and tmp/?
> If you know it won't be re-created or delivered to while you're 
> fussing with it, you can just use `rm -r maildirname` or even `rmdir 
> maildirname/new maildirname/cur maildirname/tmp maildirname`

To remove all empty directories just type

    rm -rf `find -type d -empty`
    find -type d -empty -exec \rm -fr {} \; 

at your (ba)sh prompt.


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