
* Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Monday, August 17 at 12:32 PM, quoth Rocco Rutte:
> > [ btw, any idea why your subject is truncated? ]

> Huh... I hadn't noticed that. I haven't a clue. Is this one also 
> truncated?

No, this one is “fine”.

> >> If you have no choice but to use POP3, I highly recommend you use 
> >> mutt to access your POP3 server directly. With the message and 
> >> header caching, it can be just as fast as a fetchmail-based option, 
> >> and it handles things like deleted messages much better.
> >
> > That's only half true, please don't recommend the internal fetchmail 
> > function for POP because it is partially broken 
> > (http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1751). Due to mutt's architecture, this 
> > isn't as easy to fix as it sounds.
> I wasn't thinking of the mutt "fetch_mail" thing, I was thinking of 
> setting $folder to pop3://u...@host/. I was under the impression that 
> that worked reasonably well. Am I wrong?

Partially, yes, I'd say. The problem is that messages downloaded through
mutt's internal fetchmail functions are not suited for mbox folders
because of mutt's architecture. Internally, the message copying routine
adds the required mbox headers (From, CL, Lines, etc.) However, the POP
code writes out the message which it mistakenly believes is invalid...


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