[ btw, any idea why your subject is truncated? ]


* Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Thursday, August 13 at 10:38 AM, quoth Paul Grinberg:
> > So, let's say my fetchmail keeps all the mail on the mail server
> > after mail download is complete.

> Without being rude, let me stop you right there. Fetchmail with the
> "leave it on the server" option is PROBABLY a bad setup for you. It
> was originally intended for POP3 servers, as a workaround for the fact
> that POP3 is phenomenally bad at handling multiple clients. It's a
> hack, intended for specific and usually temporary situations (where a
> certain amount of hackery is tolerable), not as a long-term solution.

It's not bad at it, it was explicitely designed not to support
simultaneous clients. If you still attempt it it may fail, of course.

> If you have no choice but to use POP3, I highly recommend you use mutt
> to access your POP3 server directly. With the message and header
> caching, it can be just as fast as a fetchmail-based option, and it
> handles things like deleted messages much better.

That's only half true, please don't recommend the internal fetchmail
function for POP because it is partially broken
(http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1751). Due to mutt's architecture, this
isn't as easy to fix as it sounds.

> First, you'd need a script that will identify messages on a POP3
> server based on a Message-ID or something similar. The problem, of
> course, is that POP3 has no means of "searching" messages other than
> by doing it the old fashioned way (download each one). Where IMAP
> gives each message a unique, long-term UID number, POP3 does not (it
> has UIDs, but they only last as long as the POP3 connection).

Not quite I think, otherwise mutt's POP support would be quite
poor. Without a persistent ID on the server, there would be no way to
identify a message in a later session. POP3 is an old protocol used in
times where bandwidth was a sacre resource... so downloading something
over and over again just to see if you know it already (like in
newsfeeds¹) was avoided.

RFC1939 has this on the UIDL command:

    The unique-id of a message is an arbitrary server-determined string,
    consisting of one to 70 characters in the range 0x21 to 0x7E, which
    uniquely identifies a message within a maildrop and which persists
    across sessions.  This persistence is required even if a session
    ends without entering the UPDATE state.  The server should never
    reuse an unique-id in a given maildrop, for as long as the entity
    using the unique-id exists.


¹ okay, news items are updateable, but still it wastes lots of bandwith

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