On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 09:39:27PM +0100, Christian Ebert wrote:
> The following could be a start, it came up in comp.mail.mutt:
> mailboxes `find ~/Mail -type d \( \( -name cur -o -name new -o -name tmp \) 
> -prune -o -print \) \
>            | tr '\n' ' '`
> (if your find has -printf you can get rid of the tr call)
> It still lists directories that contain Maildirs, haven't found
> an elegant way to get rid of those. Personally I just use printf.

The find I have does have printf ... I took a look at that, but it's
easier for me to write a program in C for this than to figure out how
to do it with find :) I've posted it in this thread; maybe you have
use for it. It's non-trivial, but pretty elegant --- I love C

(BTW, the counter for "strange directories" in the program dosn't
count right; I've changed it so that the number doesn't get printed
anymore. It would be somewhat tricky to get it to count right. But it
doesn't matter much, it's working.)

> To update your mailboxes you could put that command in a file and
> then have a macro that does something like
> unmailboxes * ; source mailboxes.muttrc

Maybe it's possible to somehow pipe the output of the program into
mutt so that a file with mailboxes lines isn't even needed. I'll see
if I can find that out ...

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