
If you find this too OT, please accept my apolgies and ignore it. I will try to
ask somewhere "pythonic". 

Rocco Rutte wrote on 09.07.09:
> #!/usr/bin/env python2.6
> import subprocess, re
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     mail_re = re.compile(r'^[^<]+<([^>]+)>.*')
>     a, p = set(), subprocess.Popen(['gpg', '--with-colons', '--list-keys'],
>                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>     for line in p.stdout:
>         if not line.startswith('uid:'): continue
>         m = mail_re.match(line.split(':')[9])
>         if not m: continue
>         a.add(m.groups(0)[0])
>     print 'group -group gpg -addr %s' % ' '.join(a)

I havn't gotten it to work yet. Could the regex be the culprit?
A test with 

bash$ gpg --with-colons --list-keys | grep '^[^<]+<([^>]+)>.*' 

doesn't find any lines.

And the script prints the resulting strings to stdout and not to the "config
file" as Rocco wrote - right?


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