On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 12:43:59PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
On Tuesday, July  7 at 11:43 AM, quoth Ed Blackman:
send-hook "~t joe@" set pgp_autoencrypt=yes # ...

I think you probably want $crypt_autoencrypt instead of pgp_*.

I think it must have changed in a recent version that you have and I don't. That and the -group argument to alias don't work with the version in Ubuntu Hardy (which is a bit over a year old).

I may experiment with compiling from source, or trying to backport the bleeding edge package from Ubunty Karmic (the upcoming fall release), which is based on Mutt 1.5.20.

I'll put your note aside until then, but thanks for the help!


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