On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Christian Brabandt wrote: > ¹ http://wiki.mutt.org/?ConfigTricks/CheckAttach > ² http://mako.cc/projects/attachcheck/README.html
On second thought, there is an issue because the message may be in quote-printable or base64 encoding, it has to be decoded before grep for the words 'attach'. Fortunately, I use 8-bit encoding and that is not yet a problem for me. May be mutt should add a sendmail-hook so that pipe decoding of mutt can be used. -- regards, ==================================================== GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24 gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 4434BAB3 唐詩214 李商隱 籌筆驛 猿鳥猶疑畏簡書 風雲常為護儲胥 徒令上將揮神筆 終見降王走傳車 管樂有才原不忝 關張無命欲何如 他年錦里經祠廟 梁父吟成恨有餘