On 2009-01-16, Christian Ebert <blacktr...@gmx.net> wrote:
> * bill lam on Friday, January 16, 2009 at 14:27:43 +0800
>> Some other email clients should already have this plugin. If the email
>> body contains words like: attach(ed) or attachment(s), it will issue a
>> warning if no attachment is added when sending.  How to implement this
>> in mutt?
> In a rudimentary way, perhaps not good enough for your purposes,
> this is implemented in recent versions; from TFM:
>|5.2.2. Attach: pseudo header
>|   You can also attach files to your message by specifying
>|Attach: filename [ description ] where filename is the file t o
>|attach and description is an optional string to use as the
>|description of the attached file.

I don't see how that solves the problem.  Instead of forgetting
to hit 'a' before sending, you forget to add the Attach" header.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I'm sitting on my
                                  at               SPEED QUEEN ... To me,
                               visi.com            it's ENJOYABLE ... I'm WARM
                                                   ... I'm VIBRATORY ...

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