On 28Aug2008 15:22, Rado S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| =- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Wed 27.Aug'08 at 21:50:51 +0200 -=
| > Is it possible to save two copies of sent messages?
| Currently: no.  [...]
| As workaround you might hack your $sendmail to be a script which
| does what you want before passing the content to the real
| sendmail-binary.

Another alternative, just as tricky, is to have mutt save to a "spool-out"
folder. Another process watches the spool-out folder for new messages and
files they according to whatever arcane scheme you desire. This still
requires you to write something that examines a message and descides
what to do with it, which of course you were wanting mutt to do for you.
Procmail can make several filing decisions easily, but not based on ad hoc
inspection of the message (i.e. you can write procmail rules based on known
recipients, but not a general purpose one that "computes" the save folder
from the headers).

| Take care of locking, since mutt doesn't care for
| what sendmail does to folders.

For this reason I use maildir folders. Pretty robust against multiple
processes manipulating them at once, since each message is its own file
and the naming scheme avoids race conditions.

Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DoD#743

Dangerous stuff, science.  Lots of us not fit for it.
        - H.C. Bailey, _The Long Dinner_

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