=- Marianne Promberger wrote on Fri 29.Aug'08 at 18:40:56 +0100 -= > I actually now feed two different blacklists locally, because one > is a mailing list that moves a lot faster than the other stuff, so > it makes sense to crop that more often. Incidentally, I don't know > what a reasonable length to crop would be, given that procmail has > to process the recipe (I know I had to bump up LINEBUF). I just > guessed.
Don't do it this way then: > .procmailrc: > > IGNORETHREADLIST=cat $HOME/.procmail/ignorelist | tr -d " " | tr "\n" "|" | > sed 's/|$//' > > :0 > * $ ^References:.*($IGNORETHREADLIST).* but work with "* ? fgrep -f file". -- © Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal! EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude. You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.