On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 02:44:41PM +0100, Marianne Promberger wrote:
> Non-mutt related question in case someone with server experience would
> like to comment:
> I'm not directly rsyncing up, but am calling a shell script that first
> does one ping to see whether I can reach the server. Would it put
> noticeable strain on the server to call this script every 15 (10? 5?)
> minutes? I have a free shell account and I don't want to be rude. 
rsyncing a single file with --times is practically free, except for SSH
connection setup. However, you probably could use a flag file that you
touch whenever you rsync, and then add a condition to check the file has
been changed since the last rsync.

if [ "$file" -nt "$flag" ]; then
        rsync --foo-bar && touch "$flag";

or something like that.

Jussi Peltola

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