On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am using the same approach and I have been playing with multiple
> imap accounts to understand how it behavews. I cannot fully understand
> how mutt changes imap folders (Mutt 1.5.16):
> I have some files with my account definition, with the following information:
> $ cat ~/.mutt/Comptes/joanet
> set folder=imap://localhost
> set imap_user=username
> set imap_pass=password
> set imap_authenticators=login
> $ cat ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab
> set folder=imap://imap.uab.es:143
> set imap_user=username
> set imap_pass=password
> set imap_authenticators=login
> This code in muttrc successfully loads the imap account definition (I
> have tryed with both accounts):
> # Default mailbox
> source ~/.mutt/Comptes/joanet
> If I issue the command c (change-folder) ?, I get the desired list of
> the imap folders of the defined account.
> I was expecting I could source the other imap account definition, and
> mutt would be in the other account. If I enter mutt with one account
> and I source the other account:
> :source ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab
> when issuing command c (change-folder) ?, mutt is waiting to get the
> list of folders or shows the folders of the account it was first
> sourced. It seems that sourcing the other account does not change the
> default imap folder.
> I have tried different options (like unsettinng imap_user imap_pass
> and tunnel before account definition) with similar results.
> Is there another option I should set to be able to change imap
> accounts when inside mutt?

You might try setting mbox and spoolfile along with the other variables
when changing accounts.  I find that I still need to call up my mailbox
manually, but at least it defaults to the mailbox corresponding to the
account that I've chosen.



"Live like the bourgeoisie; think like a demigod."  - Flaubert

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