El dijous, 17 de juliol del 2008 a les 20:38, Jorge Luis va escriure: > On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 09:32:46PM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote: > > # macros to invoke a profile > > macro index <F10> ":source ~/.mutt/profile.default\n" # "Load > > default profile" > > macro pager <F10> ":source ~/.mutt/profile.default\n" # "Load > > default profile" > > macro index <F11> ":source ~/.mutt/profile.lfs\n" # "Load profile: > > LFS" > > macro pager <F11> ":source ~/.mutt/profile.lfs\n" # "Load profile: > > LFS" > > > > I'm using this system now to good effect. There's one minor improvement > I'd like to make, but I'm not sure how to do it. Is there some way to > cause these macros to load the respective mboxes upon execution? As > they stand, I have to call up the mbox listing manually after sourcing > the macros.
I am using the same approach and I have been playing with multiple imap accounts to understand how it behavews. I cannot fully understand how mutt changes imap folders (Mutt 1.5.16): I have some files with my account definition, with the following information: $ cat ~/.mutt/Comptes/joanet set folder=imap://localhost set imap_user=username set imap_pass=password set imap_authenticators=login $ cat ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab set folder=imap://imap.uab.es:143 set imap_user=username set imap_pass=password set imap_authenticators=login This code in muttrc successfully loads the imap account definition (I have tryed with both accounts): # Default mailbox source ~/.mutt/Comptes/joanet If I issue the command c (change-folder) ?, I get the desired list of the imap folders of the defined account. I was expecting I could source the other imap account definition, and mutt would be in the other account. If I enter mutt with one account and I source the other account: :source ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab when issuing command c (change-folder) ?, mutt is waiting to get the list of folders or shows the folders of the account it was first sourced. It seems that sourcing the other account does not change the default imap folder. I have tried different options (like unsettinng imap_user imap_pass and tunnel before account definition) with similar results. Is there another option I should set to be able to change imap accounts when inside mutt? Thanks for the attention! -- Location: 41:24:51N (41.41417) 2:11:25E (2.1903) Linux User: #463211