* Dirk Moolman [2008-04-17 09:39]:
When I open the header of the e-mail received, the return-path of the
mail is different from the From: part of the mail. The return-path
is always set to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How can I change this, so that it reflects the same address that is
in the From: part of the e-mail ?
Try setting the following in your muttrc:
set use_envelope_from=no
Oops, I did mean to say
set use_envelope_from=yes
^^^ <- yes, not no!
Thank you. I tried the line above exactly as it is, and then executed
my mutt command again, and got the following error:
Error in /etc/Muttrc, line 875: use_envelope_from: unknown
You may try to use
set envelope_from=yes
-- Kirill Miazine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>