* Ken Weingold on Sunday, April 13, 2008 at 17:42:39 -0400
> Thanks, I've tried everything, but nothing works for me.  There's no
> error from mutt, just that whatever I try, every message gets
> displayed as plain text or HTML.  I just can't get it to only display
> as HTML for that one address.  This is what I have, along with
> auto_view:
> message-hook '~f [EMAIL PROTECTED]' 'alternative_order text/html text/plain 
> text/html'

Why text/html twice?

> message-hook . 'alternative_order text/plain text/html text/rtf text/x-vcard 
> application/ms-tnef'

The so called default hook, the one matching all,  must come

Python Mutt utilities <http://www.blacktrash.org/hg/muttils/>

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