On Friday, March 14 at 10:50 PM, quoth Robert Svoboda:
This got me thinking about this:

1. pipe message through display_filter extracting and
numbering links

2. in the extracting step create macros for internal pager
which would correspond with numbered links

3. source those macros
4. pressing numbers in pager starts the browser for the link
(Not exactly TAB, but good enough I guess)

What you guys think?

On the thought that just parsing <a> links would be sufficient, I whipped up a little perl script based on what I've done for extract_url.pl. I call this little script "tagurl.pl". I'm not completely satisfied with it yet, but it's a start. What do you think?

It's designed to be used as a pre-filter for auto_view handlers (i.e. it takes HTML input and outputs tagged HTML) OR as a $display_filter that extracts/tags links from plaintext.

By default, it creates a macro file that mutt can source called ~/.tagurl.macro-output

He who dares not offend cannot be honest.
                                                       -- Thomas Paine

Attachment: tagurl.pl
Description: Perl program

Attachment: pgpWaO2lgmy3j.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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