On Fri, Mar 14 2008, Robert Svoboda wrote:

> * Peter Münster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-02-17 16:47]:
> > How can I tell mutt to fire up an external browser with some URL in the
> > message?
> I use xclip way for this as mentioned earlier in this thread
> (there is also 'matcher' extension for urxvt-unicode which
> lets you click links with middle mouse button)
> > urlview is not ok for me, since I want to keep the context around the
> > URLs. I would like to select a URL for example with the TAB-key, and some
> > other key-press would start "firefox url".
> This got me thinking about this:
> 1. pipe message through display_filter extracting and
> numbering links
> 2. in the extracting step create macros for internal pager
> which would correspond with numbered links
> 3. source those macros 
> 4. pressing numbers in pager starts the browser for the link
> (Not exactly TAB, but good enough I guess)
> What you guys think?

Hello Robert,

I think, that this is a good idea, because no more mouse is needed. But I
don't know, how you would create the macros by the filter.

Perhaps a very little patch will suffice to get the ergonomic
pine-behaviour, since mutt can already detect URLs very easily:

color body magenta yellow "(http|https|ftp|news)://[^ \">\t\r\n]*"

Cheers, Peter


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