On 2008-02-19, Peter M?nster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 18 2008, Christian Ebert wrote:
> > >> I only know how this would work with w3m.
> > > 
> > > Could you tell me how?
> > 
> > See Gary's message.
> Thanks to you and Gary. Indeed, w3m seems to be better that I thought in
> the beginning.
> But I'm a bit difficult (I've been using pine for about 10 years):
> - it would be nice, if MARK_URL was called automatically at start-up

That's what I thought, too, so I modified the w3m code to accept a 
new option, -k, that accepts a list of characters that are read at 
startup before input is read from the keyboard.  The only thing I 
ever use it for is as "-k :" in various mutt hooks.  Here's the 
"diff -c" from the 0.5.2 version of main.c to my modified version, 
if you're interested.

You may also want to set "Treat URL-like strings as links in all 
pages" to "Yes" under Miscellaneous Settings in w3m's Option Setting 
Panel.  Otherwise, w3m searches only the currently displayed page 
for such strings.



I tried sending this message to the list yesterday, but it was 
rejected.  I'll try again today and hope it doesn't appear twice.

----------------------------- cut here -----------------------------
*** main.c.orig Wed May 30 18:19:50 2007
--- main.c      Fri Jun  1 01:50:23 2007
*** 257,262 ****
--- 257,263 ----
      fprintf(f, "    -o opt=value     assign value to config option\n");
      fprintf(f, "    -show-option     print all config options\n");
      fprintf(f, "    -config file     specify config file\n");
+     fprintf(f, "    -k keys          specify initial keystrokes\n");
      fprintf(f, "    -help            print this usage message\n");
      fprintf(f, "    -version         print w3m version\n");
      fprintf(f, "    -reqlog          write request logfile\n");
*** 384,389 ****
--- 385,391 ----
      char search_header = FALSE;
      char *default_type = NULL;
      char *post_file = NULL;
+     char *keys = NULL;
      Str err_msg;
  #ifdef USE_M17N
      char *Locale = NULL;
*** 735,740 ****
--- 737,747 ----
+           else if (!strcmp("-k", argv[i])) {
+               if (++i >= argc)
+                   usage();
+               keys = argv[i];
+           }
            else if (!strcmp("-dummy", argv[i])) {
                /* do nothing */
*** 1133,1138 ****
--- 1140,1162 ----
+       if (keys && *keys) {
+           c = *keys++;
+           if (c == '\\' && *keys) {
+               switch (c = *keys++) {
+                   case 'a': c = '\a'; break;
+                   case 'b': c = '\b'; break;
+                   case 'f': c = '\f'; break;
+                   case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
+                   case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
+                   case 't': c = '\t'; break;
+                   case 'v': c = '\v'; break;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       else {
+           c = getch();
+       }
  #ifdef SIGWINCH
            do {

> -- 
> http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/

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