On Mon, Feb 18 2008, Christian Ebert wrote:

> >> I only know how this would work with w3m.
> > 
> > Could you tell me how?
> See Gary's message.

Thanks to you and Gary. Indeed, w3m seems to be better that I thought in
the beginning.
But I'm a bit difficult (I've been using pine for about 10 years):
- it would be nice, if MARK_URL was called automatically at start-up
- "keymap RET EXTERN_LINK" does not work, I have to use another key
  (RETURN and ENTER do not work neither)
- it's not the built-in pager, so I cannot take advantage of all the
  mutt features

But shouldn't it be easy to implement, since the built-in pager can already
highlight URLs?

Cheers, Peter


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