* Brian Salter-Duke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [09.12.07 17:30]: > On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 09:51:44PM +0100, Francesco Ciattaglia wrote: > > * Brian Salter-Duke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [06.12.07 21:31]: > > > Is anyone using the mixmaster support in mutt? I ask merely because I > > > was involved in improving this about 7 years ago, and I'm curious. I have > > > no intention of ever using it again. The support is for a very old > > > version of Mixmaster and not for the more recent version 3 betas. > > > > > > Should Mixmaster support be kept? It is unlikely to carry on working > > > even with the old mixmaster code (version 2.4 beta 46 from September > > > 2002), and that code may soon be not available. > > > > > > Brian. > > > > Last Mixmaster changes are dated 2007 september, see: > > http://svn.noreply.org/svn/mixmaster/trunk/Mix/HISTORY > > Yes, but none of those versions (2.9 & 3.0) are supported as far as I > know by thye current mutt code. About 7 years ago I looked at getting > mutt to support the 2.9 version 3 betas and decided it was a really big > job and beyond me. I have no intention of coming back to this. Are you > going to do it?
Hi Brian, I know about incompatibility between last releases of Mixmaster and Mutt, I noticed that mixmaster is still alive only to remark that perhaps the code, the last version of it, should remain available. But, sorry, I'm not a programmer, not anymore :-) so for me it's impossible, even to think, to take on the hard work of updating your job. Mutt and Mixmaster Development teams should cooperate for interoperability. > > > I would like to use mixmaster support, yes. > > > > I wrote also a complete reference guide* for using mixmaster with Mutt, > > but it's kept in stand-by, because of incompatibility between > > recent versions of Mutt and Mixmaster. > > Why not put it on the wiki? It might encourage people to remove the > incompatability. I added a small change to update the manual to mutt.dev > yesterday. > The explanation I wrote is in italian, but the wiki speaks english. > > Brian. Ciao Ataualpa aka Francesco Ciattaglia. -- : / La cosa più facile al mondo è seguire una tendenza, ma è la . /--\ / via più rapida per andare in fallimento. [Jim Rogers] <o) =< \__/ \ \ - Avoid the Gates of Hell! Choose Linux. || www.ataualpa.altervista.org