* Brian Salter-Duke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [06.12.07 21:31]:
> Is anyone using the mixmaster support in mutt? I ask merely because I
> was involved in improving this about 7 years ago, and I'm curious. I have
> no intention of ever using it again. The support is for a very old
> version of Mixmaster and not for the more recent version 3 betas. 
> Should Mixmaster support be kept? It is unlikely to carry on working
> even with the old mixmaster code (version 2.4 beta 46 from September
> 2002), and that code may soon be not available.
> Brian.
* Ciò letto, correndo giovedì 06 dicembre 2007, alle 21 e 38 rispondo così:

Last Mixmaster changes are dated 2007 september, see:

I would like to use mixmaster support, yes.

I wrote also a complete reference guide* for using mixmaster with Mutt,
but it's kept in stand-by, because of incompatibility between
recent versions of Mutt and Mixmaster.

It's an ideal argument for a flame war... anonimity: good or bad?

IMHO it's good in some situations.

In the country where I live, others are the instruments to protect
yourself from abuse, crimes, ecc.. So I like Mixmaster as matter of
study, in some sense.

In other countries, perhaps, anonimity could be matter of life.

* in italian and as a part of "Il Nirvana con Mutt" (see website in sig).

ciao Ataualpa aka Francesco Ciattaglia.


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