Am 2007-10-09 21:19:54, schrieb Kyle Wheeler:
> On Tuesday, October  9 at 04:37 PM, quoth Rem P Roberti:
> > My thanks again to both of you.  Creating my .procmailrc recipe in 
> > the manner suggested by Joseph did the trick.  What I don't 
> > understand is that since the variable MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail exists at 
> > the beginning of .procmailrc why is it necessary to state the full 
> > path to the target mailbox in the recipe?
> It's not; it's just often helpful to be extra explicit when trying to 
> figure out why things don't work.

But not realy since in the logfile the patch will be cuted to ~70 chars...

The original Log was:

 Subject: Re: Procmail
  Folder: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/new/        4006

Using a full path would be:

 Subject: Re: Procmail
  Folder: /home/michelle.konzack/Maildir/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/        4006

but since some of my Maildir are longer, your logfile will be worthless
for analyzing.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
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