On 2007.10.09 18:23:23 +0000, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday, October  9 at 05:15 PM, quoth Joseph:
> >If you have mbox it should be:
> >:0:
> >$HOME/Mail/user
> In case it's not clear, the reason to use .* instead of just a space 
> is that the way From headers are typically sent is like this:
>      From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> or
>      From: User Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...and so you can have lots of cruft in between the "From:" and the 
> email address EVEN IF MUTT DOESN'T SHOW IT TO YOU. Mutt makes the From 
> header look a little prettier than the raw email, and that can be 
> deceptive. :)
> If you want to see the email in the form that procmail does, try 
> pressing the e key in mutt when you view a message (don't save any 
> inadvertent changes when you close your editor, though!).
> ~Kyle

My thanks again to both of you.  Creating my .procmailrc recipe in the
manner suggested by Joseph did the trick.  What I don't understand is
that since the variable MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail exists at the beginning of
.procmailrc why is it necessary to state the full path to the target mailbox in
the recipe?


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