I've resolved it. It's the nfslock that doesn't function. Detailed as

1. I run "/etc/init.d/nfslock status" (client of nfs). It shows "lockd
   is running but rpc.statd is stopped.

2. Checked "man rpc.statd" and found that this daemon maintains stuff in
   /var/lib/nfs/statd/sm - but I found all the dirs/files in statd/ have
   strange owner/group attributes.

3. The strange owner attributes is the result of a clean installation of
   MD9.0 over the old system of MD8.2. The dirs/files keep the old uid
   of rpcuser, while the new installation assigns a new value as the uid
   of rpcuser. This inhibits rpc.statd from working.

4. Fixing the owner/group of them, and restarting nfslock, my mutt now
   works well as before.

best regards,

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 09:46:00PM +0800, Charles Jie wrote:
> I've identified that the problem is at the nfs system, which now has
> interoperability problem.
>     pc1 exports ~/Mail with nfs-utils-0.3.3-3mdk
>     pc2 mounts it      with nfs-utils-1.0.1-1mdk
> I use mutt on pc2, which complains "cannot monitor pc1" in syslog, and
> "No locks available" in mutt.
> I'm studying nfs documents and plan to upgrade pc1's nfs to 1.0.1 -
> though I'm not sure it's the very solution or not.
> If any advice available, please help and let me know asap. After all, I
> just want to get my mutt work. I don't really like to study nfs.
> thanks,
> charlie
> On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 12:38:59PM +0800, Charles Jie wrote:
> > Mandrake 9.0 is really trobulesome!
> >
> > I've just upgraded from MD8.2 to 9.0 and suffered a lot, including mutt.
> >
> > Now my mutt will complain "fctrl: No locks available (errno = 37)" when
> > I open any mbox. This makes the mbox readonly.
> >
> > I have no cue how to start trouble-shooting. Help!
> >
> > (Further info:
> > 1. My $MailDir is $HOME/Mail, which is an nfs mounting on another pc
> >    (pc1).
> > 2. On pc1 (which is still using MD8.2), I can still use mutt as usual
> >    w/o problem.
> > 3. I've tried to upgrade mutt from 1.3.27 to 1.4. The problem remains.
> >    Even I use the mutt coming with MD9.0, the same problem. So I know
> >    it's system's problem instead of mutt. But I have no experience about
> >    such locking issue with other s/w. So look forward to the help from
> >    you. Thanks.
> > )
> >
> > charlie

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