* On 2002.09.20, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
*       "Heiko Heil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Mutt Users,
> what can I do in order to display all (and complete) threads which are
> initiated by myself && which are containing messages from me.

I'm not sure how to add in the second part of this, offhand. But you
could try a macro that does this:

<collapse-all>          # collapse all threads, showing only the initial msg
<limit>~P               # limit to msgs from you
<collapse-all>          # uncollapse, showing all msgs
<tag-pattern><tag-thread>       # tag all threads which are tagged
<limit>~T               # limit to tagged msgs
<untag-pettern>~T       # untag all tagged msgs

You could probably build on that to locate messages that don't contain
further messages from you, tag them, limit further, etc. But my brain
hurts now, so I'm not sure exactly how.

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