Hello David,

first of all: thank you very much for your inspiration! :-)
It works like a charm, but...

* David Champion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [09/21/2002 00:01]:
> <collapse-all>                # collapse all threads, showing only the initial msg
> <limit>~P             # limit to msgs from you
> <collapse-all>                # uncollapse, showing all msgs
> <tag-pattern><tag-thread>     # tag all threads which are tagged
...I don't know how to perform this step. I manually hit ESC-t in order
to do the required taggings. How can I do this automatically?

> <limit>~T             # limit to tagged msgs
> <untag-pettern>~T     # untag all tagged msgs

My current macro:
macro index \ch 
 "show messages from hh"
Best regards

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