* Alex Polite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-17 08:22]:
> How do I start composing a new message to a mailing list? What I
> usually do  now is push "L" for list-reply the remove the body and
> appropriate headers. 

I have this in my config:

  subscribe   mutt-users@
  mailboxes   =lists/mutt-users 
  folder-hook =lists/mutt-users "macro index m \"<mail>[EMAIL PROTECTED]\""

  subscribe   mutt-dev@
  subscribe   @bugs.guug.de
  mailboxes   =lists/mutt-dev 
  folder-hook =lists/mutt-dev "macro index m \"<mail>[EMAIL PROTECTED]\""

When I hit m in my mutt folders, it executes the macro, with the
appropriate stuff filled in.


The ultimate metric that I would like to propose for user
friendliness is quite simple: if this system was a person, how
long would it take before you punched it in the nose?
    -- Tom Carey

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