On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 12:11:27PM -0400, darren chamberlain wrote:
> * Alex Polite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-17 08:22]:
> > How do I start composing a new message to a mailing list? What I
> > usually do  now is push "L" for list-reply the remove the body and
> > appropriate headers. 
> I have this in my config:
>   subscribe   mutt-users@
>   mailboxes   =lists/mutt-users 
>   folder-hook =lists/mutt-users "macro index m \"<mail>[EMAIL PROTECTED]\""
>   subscribe   mutt-dev@
>   subscribe   @bugs.guug.de
>   mailboxes   =lists/mutt-dev 
>   folder-hook =lists/mutt-dev "macro index m \"<mail>[EMAIL PROTECTED]\""
> When I hit m in my mutt folders, it executes the macro, with the
> appropriate stuff filled in.
what would be nice would be to have a general config for all ML boxes
I'm thinking of something like that :
my conf is :
boxes tree : ~/Mail/ML/mutt-users, ~/Mail/ML/mutt-users-fr, ~/Mail/foo
~/.muttrc: folder-hook =ML "source ~/.mutt/muttrc-ML"
bind index r list-reply
bind pager r list-reply
alias mutt-users International mutt ML <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias mutt-users-fr French mutt ML <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I need a macro like this : macro index m <mail>current_box_name
it would put "mutt-users" for example, then it would work thanks to the
My question is : how can I get current_box_name ?
Bernard Massot

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