On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 09:04:32AM -0500, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> On Sep 01, Peter T. Abplanalp [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 04:31:54PM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:
> > > Yes, but it's much less likely to happen... a spammer would have to go
> > > to a lot of effort (comparatively) to sign up for a list like this...
> > > and spamming a list of largely technical people would be dumb anyway.
> > 
> > i disagree.  it would be trivial to set this up.  i could set up a
> > system in less than half an hour that would harvest the email
> > addresses of posters.  anyone who thinks that spammers aren't smart
> > enough to do this is deluding themselves.  even if the spammers
> > weren't smart enough, they could pay someone who was to do it.
> You are correct in theory, but wrong in practice.  The simple fact is that
> they aren't mining lists (yet), and avoiding posting your address online
> does prevent them from finding you as easily.  Simple evidence: the web

This hasn't been my experience, the vast bulk of the spam I get is
(I believe) from putting my address onto web sites when I buy stuff on
line etc.

I ve started using a different address for usenet postings and that
address has had no mail set to it at all since I started using it,
that was some months ago now.  So my conclusion is that E-Mail
addresses on Usenet at least are *not* harvested, at least not on the
groups I frequent.


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