On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 04:31:54PM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:
> Yes, but it's much less likely to happen... a spammer would have to go
> to a lot of effort (comparatively) to sign up for a list like this...
> and spamming a list of largely technical people would be dumb anyway.

i disagree.  it would be trivial to set this up.  i could set up a
system in less than half an hour that would harvest the email
addresses of posters.  anyone who thinks that spammers aren't smart
enough to do this is deluding themselves.  even if the spammers
weren't smart enough, they could pay someone who was to do it.

> It's much more likely for addresses to get harvested from a list
> archive, since a crawler will find them.

it is much more likely that the spammers will use every means at their
disposal and to think up new ones all the time.

i do feel for those poeple that have to manage large email systems.  i
can see that they have it worse than i.  all i have to do is filter my
own email.  i do this using spam assassin and see hardly any spam in
my inbox.  i do, however, agree with sven and the couple others that
say hiding is not the answer.  you just can't hide effectively as
we've pointed out.  you could disconnect yourself from the network.
that would be effective hiding.

Peter Abplanalp

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