On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 07:44:51PM -0400, krjw wrote:
> Thank you for the flame.  It's the first one I've received since being
> on this list for less than a day.

you'll have to excuse sven and you don't really want to antagonize
him.  he knows a lot about mutt.  lighten up.  it's all good.  btw -
this wasn't really a flame.  if you want to get flamed, go ask a faq
on the qmail list.  heh.

[explanation of sshd snipped]

while i agree with your sshd example, there is still the level of your
paranoia at issue.  even if i see what version of mutt you are using,
i can't telnet to some port on your box and exploit it.  mutt is a
client and not some daemon that i can hack.

> Keith

uh oh.  ;-)

Peter Abplanalp

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