* krjw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-29 20:56]:
> As for version numbers, there's nothing wrong with them
> unless they are advertised to potentially malicious users.
> Assuming a given version of a given MUA has a known security
> hole, sending a mail via that MUA with a header containing
> version info is just begging for trouble.  Call it paranoia.

so you are basically asking for "security by obscurity".

> In general it's undersirable for network-aware software
> (whether an MUA, daemon -- like httpd or sshd -- whatever)
> to advertise its version # to untrusted users.

and that's why you are afraid to use your real name in mails, too?

> The Internet is not as friendly as it used to be.

welcome to the third millennium!

i find people who hide their name to be afraid of the internet
and its hackers;  they think everyone will hack their computer
as soon as they use a modem.  the internet would indeed benefit
from these people to go offline and lock themselves in at home.


The only secure computer is one that is turned off, locked in
a safe and buried 20 feet down in a secret location, and I'm
not completely confident of that either. --Bruce Schneier
see also:  http://w3.physics.uiuc.edu/~menscher/quotes.html

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