+-- On 29082002 16:54:29 +0000, John P Verel uttered:
| I start vim thusly: set editor ="vim +/^$ +'set nobackup' -c 'normal
| o' -c startinsert" This puts me at a new line below the first non
| blank line, in insert mode.  If you like, simply change 'normal o' to
| 'normal i' to omit the additional blank line.  I use the blank line to
| make it easier when I need to reformat the first paragraph.  That way,
| the headers don't get mangled when I execute gqip.  The use of 'set
| nobackup' above is obvious.  

Ah yes that works quite well.  Now all that's left is to get vim to
sanely re-format quoted text (where the quoting text is an arbitrary N
quote levels deep).    :)  I saw a thread somewhere about fiddling with
vim's 'comments' setting, combind with gqap, but have yet to make sense
of it.

| Also, while we're talking editors, I use:
| set tmpdir=~/tmp
| to ensure privacy of my temp files.  Otherwise, they get written to
| /tmp, which is world readable.

Yes, a good idea indeed.  Although vim is smart enough to honor the
TMPDIR environment variable (which I have set to ~/tmp as well), and so
I wasn't concerned about setting it via mutt.

| And,welcome to Mutt, krjw :)

Thanks.  The 'k' is for Keith, although many people insist my
name's Kevin.  hrmph.

OT: I see you're an optonline user.  So what do you think of Jimmy
Dolan?  If you're a Yanks fan you probably hate his guts.  Anyway check
out fuckedcompany.com and you'll see that ol' Jimmy and Cablevision
aren't doing so hot.


| John

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