On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 01:58:32PM +0200, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> > >     I think you should re-read the tmda docs, especially the client
> > >     configuration.
> > > 
> > Yes?  This assumes that I own a domain and have an unlimited number of
> > E-Mail addresses available to me, again not the normal situation.
>     no. tmda can work on a nullclient. it only requires that
>     1) your pop3 server stores envelope information in headers
>     2) the smtp server of your provider accepts addresses with
>        extensions
I can't see this bit about accepting addresses with extensions.

My adddress here is [EMAIL PROTECTED] and that's it, I don't *think*
any alternatives are possible which will reach me here.  The mail is
not received via a POP3 server at all so 1) isn't applicable.

I can see that TMDA could be very effective on a home linux machine
but that isn't my situation (neither is it for quite a few other


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