> Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 10:15:48 +0100
> From: Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: TDMA (was Re: Spam filtering software)
> On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 04:05:57AM -0500, John Buttery wrote:
> >   Anyway, just out of curiosity, how come you guys aren't using TMDA?
> > Just haven't found it yet, or...?
> Probably because it's useless for quite a number of people.
> Much of my incoming mail is in response to enquiries I send out to
> trade suppliers and small businesses.  If I implemented TMDA they
> would have to jump through hoops to get their response to me, it's
> difficult enough getting a response from some people anyway so I
> suspect that TMDA would reduce the reply rate to negligable
> proportions.  The alternative of modifying the TDMA 'whitelist' when I
> send the enquiry out is similarly flawed (I have to jump through
> hoops) and anyway isn't guaranteed to work as they may not respond
> from an address I know about.

    I think you should re-read the tmda docs, especially the client

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