On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 12:57:21AM +0100, Lee J. Moore wrote:
> | 'brightwhite' creates *bold* white text, whereas 'white' creates
> | grey text
> FWIW, I've seen in the gnome-terminal palette that "white" really is
> grey, and "brightwhite" is really white.  The solution there is to
> tweak the terminal so that the palette matches what I want it to be.

As I said, the background colour can appear as black,
despite the fact that it's suppose to be white.  Changing the
foreground colour will bizarrely change the background colour
to one that wasn't stated, for god knows what reason.

As for the terminal, this is the Gnome2 Terminal in which you
can switch easily between it's own palette (Linux Console),
Xterm, Rxvt, and even custom.  Switching between them updates
the colours in running apps in front of your eyes.

Also - there is no difference whether I'm using other
(non-Gnome) terminals.  Mutt will not accept color8 and above,
nor even things like lightgray, which a few documents I've read
claim Mutt *should* accept when compiled with slang.  On the
contrary, slrn renders all sixteen colours without a problem.

Lee J. Moore
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