Not sure about the error 13, but to keep a transparent background, use
the "default" color as the background color for everything when
setting your colors.

Just make sure not to use mutt in a white background terminal after
the change though :->.


It has come to my attention...
...that Noesis said on Tuesday, Aug 20 2002:
> Greetings! 
>       Two questions.  First, when I send e-mail lately I get an error 
> 13 - but the mail sends.  Any ideas?  Second, I like to keep mutts 
> 'standard' look (plus or minus a few things), however I want to make the 
> background transparent in mutt.  How do I go about doing that?  
> Kind Regards, 
>     -Noesis
> -- 
>     _   __                _
>    / | / /___  ___  _____(_)____
>   /  |/ / __ \/ _ \/ ___/ / ___/
>  / /|  / /_/ /  __(__  ) (__  )
> /_/ |_/\____/\___/____/_/____/
>   noesis at darktide dot com
> -

UC Davis, California USA

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