Rocco, et al --

...and then Rocco Rutte said...
% Hi,


% * David T-G [2002-06-04 13:28:28 CEST] wrote:
% > ...and then Rocco Rutte said...
% > % ...because I'm lazy. But I could think of other purposes as
% > % well for a ``real'' batch mode, for example, when I want to
% > % forward a bunch of mails to same address: inline and and one
% > % by one.
% > Maybe a tag-prefix pipe-message thru formail -r and hand
% > to sendmail?
% Wouldn't that send out just empty messages because I had no
% chance putting in some text?

Oh, right.  Sorry.  I often forward stuff without preamble anyway.

% > You could even throw it into the background, like I do
% > with what I hand to Vipul's Razor.
% To clear things a little up, it was only a side note that
% ``;'' can only perform an action on all tagged messages
% while doing it one-by-one is not possible. Nothing more.

Right.  So you offload the one-by-one to something else...

% Anyway, let me add that it's kind of funny how creative some
% people are in solving non-existing problems. ;-)

Well, of course; those are the best, and nobody ever really disproves
your solutions in practice!

% I think we can stop this discussion right now...

No, wait!  Not yet!

% Cheers, Rocco


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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