> Thanks a mil! I have added this to my .bash_profile and it seems to work
> just fine! (and since we are performing magic here anyway, you wouldn't
> happen to know of a way to COMPOSE such characters, rather than just
> reading them?)
If you use the vim editor for composing messages, then you can
set up digraphs to enter non-ASCII characters; it also supports a
completely general but more awkward input method where you can type
control-V followed by the decimal character code of the character
you want, or the letter 'u' followed by the hexadecimal Unicode code

Any more general solution for use outside of your editor depends even
more on the environment in which you are running mutt.  If you're
running it in an X terminal program on the console of the Unix
box, for instance, you can set up an XIM (X Input Manager) server,
or manually remap certain key combinations via the xmodmap program.

If you're connecting from a terminal program on a Windows box,
then you can usually install international virtual keyboard layouts and
switch between them with hotkeys or a system tray icon.
There's also the vim-like solution of holding down the Alt key and
typing a decimal character code on the numeric keypad (although
that only works for 8-bit values, not Unicode code points); and of
course you can always paste from the Character Map system accessory.

Mark REED                    | CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348      USA   | +1 404 827 4754 
Steele's Plagiarism of Somebody's Philosophy:
        Everybody should believe in something -- and I believe I'll have
        another drink.

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