On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 01:46:24PM +0200, Roman Neuhauser wrote:

>     looks like you have $LANG set to C, POSIX, or something like that.
>     what happens if you just cat(1) the message (i. e. view it w/o any
>     intervening program)? i'd guess it won't come up "right" either.

Thanks a lot for your reply.
You are right. It comes up just like in 'less'

>     roman@freepuppy ~ 865:1 > echo $LANG 
>     cs_CZ.ISO8859-2

Mine gives (as you had guessed) 'C'

>     roman@freepuppy ~ 866:0 > grep charset .mail/mutt/muttrc 
>     set charset = "iso-8859-2"
>     set send_charset = "us-ascii:iso-8859-2:utf-8"

I get just:


>From this I deduce that my problem is in the $LANG.
Any suggestion on how and where to change that? I am on a Debian 2.2

Thanks again!

  Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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