On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 04:23:31PM +0200, Cedric Duval wrote:
Hello Cedric,

> > Also I think that it should be the default  of tag-prefix i.e
> > if the tag-pattern isn't there tag-prefix should abort
> Yes, I also think this would be better, at least for all these automatic
> operations dealing with hooks, macros and push. But what if $auto_tag is
> set?
In that case if tag-prefix-end (suggested name for end_cond) is present 
then tag-prefix should act as tag-prefix-cond else as current 

> > Here are the folder-hooks which I am using now.
> > # This hook will save deleted messages from any folder not Trash to
> > # Trash and remove them from the corresponding folder
> > folder-hook !Trash 'push "<tag-pattern>~D<enter><enter-command>unset 
>maildir_trash<enter><enter-command>set confirmcreate<enter>"'
> I'm not sure I really understand your approach, which I find, er, rather
> cumbersome.i
Agreed. Right I have settled for this as it keeps my folders clean of
deleted messages but also keep them for a month in case I need any.
But naturally there are more than one way to do something and better in
>You mark messages as deleted, but you move them only the
> next time you enter the mailbox. Why don't you just move the deleted
> mails to the trash at sync time (ie when you leave the folder, instead
> of when you re-enter it)? I think this would be more logical.
See I just started using mutt about a couple of months back. Configuring
it was a pain and a pleasure both. It took me quite a long time to
understand the hooks as the manual doesn't give much examples. What I
have learnt is from reading the going on in the list and I have found
it really great. I still have to figure out how to move deleted messages
form the folder dir to Trash on folder-exit. If possible give an ex.

> And furthermore, the ways to achieve this are a little less intricate,
> and do not require these workarounds for tag-prefix.
> But maybe am I missing something?
How? Please elaborate.

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Thus My Computer Chittered :
Life is like a bowl of soup with hairs floating on it.  You have to
eat it nevertheless.
                -- Flaubert


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