On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 11:39:01AM +0200, Cedric Duval wrote:
> Vikram Goyal wrote:
> > How can I prevent the action of saving messages if their are no tagged
> > messages according to the pattern.
> Nicolas has a patch for this.
>     http://www.rachinsky.de/nicolas/mutt.html
Thanks for the info. I applied it to 1.4i and its working properly.

The patch can be applied to 1.4i also. I think this info should be
pasted along with the patch on the web page for people upgrading to 1.4i.

Also I think that it should be the default behaviour of tag-prefix i.e
if the tag-pattern isn't there tag-prefix should abort also end_cond
should be named tag-prefix-end if tag-prefix is made to act this way.

Here are the folder-hooks which I am using now.

# This hook will save deleted messages from any folder not Trash to
# Trash and remove them from the corresponding folder

folder-hook !Trash 'push "<tag-pattern>~D<enter><enter-command>unset 
maildir_trash<enter><enter-command>set confirmcreate<enter>"'

# A way to automatically delete email from Trash folder.
# First unset maildir_trash.
# Undelete and set read all the messages moved to Trash/ which are more
# than 25 days old and are not flagged. Now delete messages which are
# more  than a month old and are not new and not flagged. sync mailbox .
# reset maildir_trash.

folder-hook Trash 'push "<enter-command>unset 

> -- 
> Cedric

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