* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-21 10:02 -0500]:
> ...and then Nicolas Rachinsky said...
> % push 
> % 
> % It's a bit slow with folders containing almost 1000 messages on my K6
> % so I have a small shellscript to do this just once a day. I can mail
> % you this, too.
> If it's not linked from your home page with the patch, I'd love to see it
> here.

It isn't because it's changing often and there are nearly no comments.
I try to attach the relevant parts.

#$Id: clean_hook,v 1.1 2002/05/04 22:35:15 nicolas Exp $
if [ -e ~/Mail/.cleaned/$1 ]; then
echo push \"\"
touch ~/Mail/.cleaned/$1
echo -n $1 will clean>/dev/tty
sleep 1
cat <<EOF

folder-hook =folder$ '`~/.mutt/clean_hook folder`'
0       0       *       *       *       rm ~/Mail/.cleaned/*

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