* Benoit Friry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-21 10:26 +0200]:
> Hi! :)
> John Iverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :
> > * On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Dean Richard Benson wrote:
> > > Hi all
> > > 
> > > I have setup a folder which holds any suspected spam (thanks
> > > spamassassin+razor).  However is there a way to automatically
> > > delete email from this folder after 7 days, so I keep a sliding
> > > window?
> > Based on some recent posts here, I do this:
> >   folder-hook trash push <delete-pattern>~r>1w!(~F|~N)<enter>
> > so that when I go into my "trash" folder, messages are deleted if
> > they were received more than one week ago, aren't flagged, and
> > aren't new.
> Is there an easy way to do almost the same thing, but instead of keeping
> only flagged and new messages, i'd like to keep all messages in a thread
> where there are flagged and new messages?  This way, only dead threads
> i'm not interested in are deleted.

I think no with unpatched mutt. Yes with the appropriate patches.

I use my threadcomplete patch (see my homepage), and something like:

It's a bit slow with folders containing almost 1000 messages on my K6
so I have a small shellscript to do this just once a day. I can mail
you this, too.


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