Ken --

...and then Ken Weingold said...
% On Thu, Jun 20, 2002, David T-G wrote:
% > 
% > RTFArchives, grasshopper :-)
% I tried, but 1) the mutt site was down last night, and 2) I couldn't

Of course, the archives don't live there, so all you really need to do is
use google to find a mail archive site...  But now I'm being a pest ;-)

% even think of what to search for.  I tried a few things in Google, but

Yeah, that can be tricky.

% nothing.  How often do you see me ask a question that requires a RTFM?
% Okay, don't answer that. ;-)

Mmmmphmmph! :-)

% > % my_hdr X-Message-Flag: `$HOME/bin/`
% > 
% > Wrap it in single quotes, perhaps making it a default send-hook, to
% > ensure that it gets interpreted at call time instead of muttrc-read time.
% Send-hook sounds good, as Cedric also said.  But what about single

BTW, you may find that

  my_hdr 'X-Message-Flag: `$HOME/bin/`'

will still work -- and then you'll have the simple answer to your
question of aesthetics :-)  Try playing with it...

% quotes?

When it's wrapped in single quotes it won't get interpreted at the time
it's read; it will simply get read, and then later it will be
interpreted.  If it's not in quotes, the command is done when you pass
through the muttrc and the value is substituted in and left there (just
like it is for every message later, but it's done just once earlier this

% Thanks.

Sure thing!

% -Ken


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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