On Thu, Jun 20, 2002, David T-G wrote:
> % One issue.  It seems to run the script only once, when I start mutt, so I always
> RTFArchives, grasshopper :-)

I tried, but 1) the mutt site was down last night, and 2) I couldn't
even think of what to search for.  I tried a few things in Google, but
nothing.  How often do you see me ask a question that requires a RTFM?
Okay, don't answer that. ;-)

> % my_hdr X-Message-Flag: `$HOME/bin/random.pl`
> Wrap it in single quotes, perhaps making it a default send-hook, to
> ensure that it gets interpreted at call time instead of muttrc-read time.

Send-hook sounds good, as Cedric also said.  But what about single



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