* On 2002.06.09, in <20020609113937.A15126@Verdi>,
*       "John P Verel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm getting set to do my first non-rpm install of mutt and therefore my
> first usage of make.
> Looking at Sven's Installation Examples, I see outputted logs showing
> the results of configure, make and make install.  Am I correct to
> assuming that these are generated automatically?

You can redirect commands individually, as people have shown. But to
easily log the whole thing, I'd recommend "script":

shell-prompt$ script mutt.log
Script started, file is mutt.log
sh$ ./configure --whatever
sh$ make
sh$ make install
sh$ exit
shell-prompt$ ls mutt.log

"Script" starts a new shell. Anything on the stdout or stderr in that
shell gets duplicated to the log file. You "exit" to terminate the log.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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