
* John P Verel [02-06-09 17:45:08 +0200] wrote:
> I'm getting set to do my first non-rpm install of mutt and
> therefore my first usage of make.

Someday it was the first time for all of us.

> Looking at Sven's Installation Examples, I see outputted
> logs showing the results of configure, make and make
> install.  Am I correct to assuming that these are
> generated automatically?

Yes and no. What do you mean with automatically? Those tools
involved produce that output automatically, yes. But to use
them within a homepage, you have to catch them by hand:

  ./configure ... > ./logfile 2>&1

will display nothing but store everything in a logfile (you
should consult your shell's manpage and search for I/O

It's very usefull when asking other people for help since
only the complete and exact error message shows the details
necessary to find the root of the problem.

Cheers, Rocco

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