
At  3:32 AM EDT on May 20 Anthony Towns sent off:
> I've been getting gradually more annoyed with the way my mail archives are
> organised recently, and, after playing with Evolution a little bit, got to
> thinking that vFolders might be the answer. So, I've been trying to figure
> out some way of doing the same sort of thing in mutt.
> First, has anyone done this before? Is there a FAQ or HOWTO I could
> be reading?
> What I'm thinking is basically having a huge morass of mail shoved in a
> directory somewhere, with a fancy index. Whenever I want to look at mail
> in there, I construct a query ("Show me all mail with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> in the From/To/Cc headers" or "Show me all mail with message-id blah")
> and then have mutt show me all the mail that matches that query as a
> "virtual folder".

This isn't exactly what you asked for, but you might want to look at the
Remembrance Agent, http://rhodes.www.media.mit.edu/people/rhodes/RA/ 

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  - George Yeo, Singapore's Minister of State for Finance.
Robert I. Reid | PGP/GPG Keys: http://astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/pgp.html

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