On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 12:40:31PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Adam, et al --
> ...and then Adam Shostack said...
> % 
> % On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 06:39:58AM -0500, Patrick wrote:
> ...
> % > > _not_ so ok for a million.
> % > 
> % > Look at grepmail, grepmail.sourceforge.net.
> % 
> % One important difference is that vfolders are built around pre-built
> % indexes, making them more efficient than grepping hundreds of megs of
> Hmmm...  Maybe glimpse as a search indexer?  Mailing list archive search
> engines are fast; can the same idea be used to return a list of messages
> from lots of mailboxes being indexed and to hand to mutt as a mailbox?

Yes, I used to have this, but it never got today's mail, and it wasn't
really integrated into anything.  If I wanted non-integrated mail, I'd
be using MH. :) 

> % mail.  Having watched people use vfolders, it makes me seriously
> % consider switching over to evolution.
> Heavens! :-)

I figured that would be attention grabbing. :)

> % 
> % However, I can't find a decent technical overview of the system, other
> % than the source.
> Is there even a decent non-technical interview, or perhaps a non-decent
> technical interview?  What goal are they accomplishing and, very
> basically, how is it done?




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